Computer Geek

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June 26, 2005

Slamming spam the Industry Canada way

ComputerWorld Canada is a weekly newspaper that I receive. This article was interesting. Evidently, Industry Canada was using a free tool (not mentioned which) to block spam and it was only succeeding in catching 21 per cent of the spam. Now they're using a tool which is a modification of the Bell Brightmail solution (they use it for blocking spam to their customers) and it blocks more than 90 per cent of all spam, boosting productivity.

What I find amazing is that Industry Canada was using a spam tool that only caught 21% of the spam! It must've been written in the early 1990s. Eek. Heck, using the mail client in Mozilla would've gotten them over 85% spam blocking with only a couple of weeks of training. I'm sure that Thunderbird would be just as good. At the server end, they could've used Spam Assassin.


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